Fitness Passport Membership Transfer
Dear Member,
We’re thrilled that you’ve applied to join Fitness Passport! 😄 We’re reaching out as your membership application is currently pending under the Department of Education – South East Region program which is now closed.
However, we have some very exciting news – the brand new Department of Education QLD statewide program is now live! 🎉 You can view the program here:
How To Transfer Your Membership
To make sure you can be approved for your membership application, you’ll need to transfer your membership to the new program:
- Log into the portal at using your email address or username and password.
- Select Employer Transfer on the left hand side menu.
- Complete all tabs details, entering “Department of Education QLD” in the Employer name.

Once this has been completed, the facilitator of the new program will be able to approve your application to activate your membership.
If you have any problems transferring your membership, please email our customer service team at [email protected], we’ll be happy to help!
Have a great day and keep on moving!
The Fitness Passport Team